symptomatic control of almost any kind of severe excitement Thorazine advertisement, 1955.
Mental Hosptials, Vol. 6, No. 2, p. 2.

S.K.F.'s Selective Neurologic Depressant
In Severe Excitement

'Thorazine' is "of unique value in the symptomatic control of
almost any kind of severe excitement. This includes catatonic
schizophrenia, schizoaffective conditions, epileptic clouded states,
agitation occurring in lobotomized patients immediately or
several months after surgery, and organic-toxic confusional states,
as frequently observed in uremic conditions and senile psychoses.
(Lehmann, H.E., and Hanrahan, G.E.: A.M.A. Arch. Neurol. &
Psychiat. 71:227 [Feb.] 1954)
Available in tablets and ampul solution for injection.
Additional information on 'Thorazine' available on request.
Smith, Kline & French Laboratories
1530 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia 1
*Trademark for chlorpromazine hydrochloride, S.K.F.

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